5 Reasons Why Bitumen Trowel Mastic is Essential for Any Construction Project - SupaFlex

5 Reasons Why Bitumen Trowel Mastic is Essential for Any Construction Project

Bitumen Trowel Mastic is a popular product used in the construction industry for waterproofing and repairing roofs, walls, and other surfaces. This highly durable and weather-resistant material is known for its exceptional adhesion properties and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of Bitumen Trowel Mastic and why it is an essential tool for any construction project.

Superior Waterproofing

One of the most significant benefits of Bitumen Trowel Mastic is its superior waterproofing properties. This product is highly resistant to water and can create a barrier that prevents leaks and water damage in any construction project. The material is perfect for sealing roofs, walls, and other surfaces to ensure they remain water-tight even in extreme weather conditions.

Excellent Adhesion

Bitumen Trowel Mastic has excellent adhesion properties that make it an ideal solution for repairing and sealing a wide range of surfaces. It can be applied to a variety of materials, including concrete, brick, metal, and wood, and will bond tightly to the surface to create a strong and durable seal. This feature makes it an ideal solution for repairing roofs, walls, and other surfaces that are prone to wear and tear.

High-Temperature Resistant Mastics

Bitumen Trowel Mastic is a highly durable material that can withstand extreme temperatures without breaking down or becoming damaged. This makes it ideal for use in areas where temperatures fluctuate widely, such as roofs and walls that are exposed to direct sunlight. The material can also withstand freezing temperatures, making it ideal for use in colder climates.

Trowel Mastic is Easy to Apply

Bitumen Trowel Mastic is a simple and easy-to-use product that can be applied with a trowel or brush. This means that even inexperienced construction workers can apply the material with ease, saving time and money on labour costs. Additionally, the product is available in a range of sizes and can be purchased in bulk to suit any project size.


Bitumen Trowel Mastic is a cost-effective solution for construction projects of all sizes. The material is available at an affordable price and can be purchased in bulk to reduce costs further. Additionally, the product's superior adhesion properties mean that it can last for many years without needing to be repaired or replaced, making it a great investment for any construction project.

What is the difference between Trowel Mastic and Adhesive?

Bitumen trowel mastic and bitumen felt adhesive are two specific types of construction materials that are used for different purposes. Here's how they differ:

  1. Composition:
  • Bitumen Trowel Mastic: Bitumen trowel mastic is a thick, paste-like material that consists primarily of bitumen, a sticky, black, viscous form of petroleum. It is typically blended with polymers, fillers, and additives to improve its properties such as flexibility, adhesion, and resistance to weathering.
  • Bitumen Felt Adhesive: Bitumen felt adhesive, also known as bitumen roof adhesive, is specifically formulated for bonding roofing felt to various surfaces. It is usually a liquid or semi-liquid adhesive composed mainly of bitumen, sometimes mixed with solvents or other additives to enhance its bonding and drying properties.
  1. Purpose and Application:
  • Bitumen Trowel Mastic: Bitumen trowel mastic is primarily used for filling and sealing gaps, cracks, and joints in construction applications. It is commonly used in roofing projects, particularly for sealing overlaps in roofing felt, repairing cracks in bitumen roofs, or filling gaps in flashings and other roof details. It is applied using a trowel or a similar tool to spread and shape the material.
  • Bitumen Felt Adhesive: Bitumen felt adhesive is specifically designed for bonding roofing felt to surfaces such as wood, metal, concrete, or asphalt. It provides a strong adhesive bond, ensuring that the roofing felt is securely attached to the substrate. Bitumen felt adhesive is typically applied with a brush or a roller, directly onto the surface or onto the back of the roofing felt.

In summary, while both bitumen trowel mastic and bitumen felt adhesive contain bitumen as a key component, they have different compositions and serve distinct purposes. Bitumen trowel mastic is used for filling gaps and sealing joints, while bitumen felt adhesive is specifically formulated for bonding roofing felt to surfaces.

Hopefully this article helps clarify what the intended use of Bitumen Trowel Mastic is. If you are in the market and are looking to get some trowel mastic, here at Supaflex, we have the perfect option for you! Click Here

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